Are you ready to change your life?
It's really hard.
This is something I hear all of the time - at least once a day, and honestly, it does something really odd inside my head whenever I hear these words.
It was something I used to say a lot too, which is probably why that odd thing inside my head happens of course, and yet it still
How do you attract what you desire?
Thoughts from a beautiful moment with my pony today...
How long have you been attracting the wrong people into your life? From men, to friends, to potential clients? You will know what I mean if you’ve found yourself wondering ‘how is this happening again?’, or ‘another
Don't go it alone.
Walking my puppy at close to midnight, through the streets of the village I lived in with a ‘boy’ I had rebounded to after the breakdown of my long term relationship was one of the lowest points of my life.
As I walked through those streets I remember realising that unless I broke away, I would
Severe trauma is not the only contributor to people feeling lost or misaligned in their lives.
Lack of self-worth can come from many sources. Other’s experiences in life may seem terrible in comparison to what led you to feel as you do. Within that comparison lies the very block to you moving through, letting go and finally leaving behind the effects your own past is having on you now.
It’s time to stop being busy-being-busy.
Like many of the amazing people I work with, there was a time I would spend hours focussing on every other direction than the one that was most important to me. I didn’t have time to stop because there were way too many important things I needed to be doing and yet ultimately, I was keeping myself
When is now the right time?
An 8 week programme to change your lifem- for people who seem to have it all but in reality your life doesn't match up to your own expectations.
Perhaps you have a career in the corporate world, the private public sector, or you're an
The Psychological Levels of Love®
I often get asked about the process I have developed for connecting to, expressing and aligning with your true self: The Psychological Levels of Love®, and what exactly is involved with this amazing work.
As I'm in the throes of writing a book that will take
When it seems like you can't do right for doing wrong.
Doesn’t it sometimes feel like "you can’t do right for doing wrong", especially when a relationship isn't everything it could be?
For those I work with whose businesses or careers are doing just fine, the thing they come to me for is the disharmony and dissatisfaction in their relationship.
So, who am I?
I had always been a dreamer and an overachiever. I always knew I was destined for greater things and I always believed I could do better, be better, have better than I was experiencing in my life, but there was a misalignment in me that was holding me back from all of it. And I lived in that space for more than 15 years.
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